Monday, May 4, 2009

We're Back!

Hello Everyone,

Well, we're back after a bit of a blog break. I'm your co-host, Spike Gillespie. If you read earlier posts, you'll see that I was lucky enough to have attended last September's Monhegan Island Knitting and Yoga Retreat with Knitting and Yoga Adventures and I kept a daily online journal of all the fun we had. That was the trip of a lifetime and I can't wait to go again next September. We're heading out on September 20, 2009 and will knit and stretch to our hearts' content for a week. You really, really ought to join us. The yarn, the food, the company, and the view are all exquisite.

Lisa has already cooked up some excellent plans for us. And the cool thing is, you can do as much or as little as you like. I still think one of my favorite moments was, during our get acquainted session, when Lisa reminded us that we do NOT have to make our beds or clean our rooms. Not that I had any plans to do that, but still, it was nice to be officially  let off the hook. And that's the cool thing about the retreat-- you can, if you choose to, pack your days with hiking and knitting and yoga and massage. Or you can just sit on the big porch and stare out at the water. There's no pressure, just a lovely time where you can indulge in your knitting passion without having to stop and explain yourself. Everyone's on the same page. Boy did we make some beautiful stuff last year.

Here's some of what's in store for this year's retreat:

Susan will teach… two classes in textured and lace knitting featuring yarns from her Nashua Handknits line of yarns. Her classes take basic techniques and teach how to use them in new and an infinite variety of combinations to create your own unique project.

Lisa will lead… a workshop on Intarsia color knitting. She will lead you through this seemingly difficult technique step-by-step with a simple project.

Melora will lead… two daily yoga sessions, suitable for all levels of students. The morning class will flow with a theme woven through the postures, helping us understand movement and alignment, enjoying the freedom and radiance generated by an active practice.  Afternoon class will include therapeutic yoga to help those with injuries, stretches to relieve fatigue from hiking or knitting, and deeply restorative poses to relax and de-stress.

Mary Alice will… treat every one of us to an hour long full body massage. As only a truly experienced and intuitive body worker can, she will relieve you of tension, aches and pains with sensitivity and care.

Patty will… lead our daily island walks guided by the experience, abilities, and desires of those joining her. Her enthusiasm, humor, and smile are contagious!

Sure hope you can make it. Registration information is right here. And remember-- Early Bird registrants and members of Rowan International get a discount.

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